My fault?

I am a child who loves to go to school and play with her friends. I am the one who waits for her daddy to come home and pamper me. I am a happy child trying to enjoy my childhood. I am a young girl trying to complete my education. I am trying to learn […]

Keep it simple! #AtoZChallenge

Last Chapter After weeks of hassle, things were now looking up. Natasha’s parents were staying with them for time being. She was nearing the end of her first trimester and already planning how she would be spending her maternity break. One moment she can be elated and in the next moment she would be bawling […]

Harsh Reality #AtoZChallenge

Last chapter ‘Hello!’ ‘…Yes, I am hospital’ ‘Okay, I will ask directions and be there’, and Natasha disconnected the call. Natasha frantically moved towards the emergency room, with many horrid thoughts racing through her mind. That’s when she heard someone call her name. She turned around and found Nikhil standing with the doctor. ‘Are you […]

Glorious or gloomy! #AtoZChallenge

Last chapter Soon after the ultrasound, Ananth & Natasha had informed their parents about the pregnancy. Natasha was provided a list of do’s & don’ts by her mother. What to eat, what to avoid, and another million things. Natasha was happy that she could finally discuss her pregnancy with her mother. ‘Maa, why is it […]