The Chosen Ones

You were there when I was trekking at high mountains, You were there when I was camping in the desert, You were there when I was enjoying on the beach, You were there when floods & earthquakes strike, You were there guarding the Land, Sea & Air.   You are the sons & daughters, brothers […]

Another beginning….

The bug of writing had been pestering me since long time. Long time since I took a pen to jot down my random clouds of thoughts. Here I am beginning again and hopefully will be able to continue blogging. Happy Blogging 🙂

Job Job Job !!!

Its been long since i wrote a blog…got bsy in trying to settle in professional world…so ab finally have a feeling tat i hav kind-off settled in my new phase…Things seem so different in “pre-job” and “post-job” period…Had to learn so many new things. Each day teaches u something new… My initial experience of job training was […]

Certain of Uncertainty !!!

People may find the topic a bit confusing. But for me nowadays “Certainty” is an important word. I had to “Experience Certainty”. But right now I am so certain that my life is going towards uncertainty. Few months back I was certain that after my colg ends I wil have a gala time on my job. But […]