What next after Maternity Leave? #Superbloggerchallenge2018

Once you experience childbirth, the next few months spent in trying to adjust and adapt. By the time the feeling of motherhood sinks in, a working woman faces the dilemma of whether to resume work or not. If you are working in India, then you are eligible for six months of paid maternity leave. For […]

5 things you should never tell a new mom! #Superbloggerchallenge2018

Motherhood is a nerve-racking experience where your hormones play havoc & to top that there are people giving unsolicited advice. You might have thought after pregnancy you will not be dealing with the nosy aunties & uncles. Bet you were wrong! If you are visiting a new mom then remember these five things you should never […]

Things all pregnant women hear! #SUPERBLOGGERCHALLENGE2018

You should add butter to your food. You should gain more weight. Aren’t you too fat already?  – Do these questions remind you something or someone? Well, these are just some of the questions that either you or other pregnant women around you are asked everyday. Pregnancy is a beautiful phase & everyone around you […]

Motherhood – the gift of a lifetime! #FeedIQ

“Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star.” – Larry Barretto Embracing motherhood is the biggest challenge that a woman can ever face. To be responsible for a new life is a momentous task! You take the […]