Expectations – a strong word & emotion. Expecting from others is a part of life. Whenever someone enters our life, we set few expectations from them. If those are not fulfilled, we go through a chain of painful thoughts.

It’s only human tendency to have expectations from others. But, what to do if people don’t meet your expectations? Do you break away from all such people or give them a chance? Do you try to understand their point of view or ignore their pleas?
Expecting too much puts restrains on the relationship. Remember all your friends who were close to you, but today you have no contact. Each of you were expecting the other to make the first call. But, it never happened. And after years when you meet, there is only awkward silence. Do we need so much formality in our lives?
I am not suggesting you to be the giver all the time. Ofcourse, a relation where only you give 100% but get nothing in return is futile. But just for a moment think, may be you are expecting too much from a wrong person. Not everyone is the same. I have met people who are aloof & do not expect anything from others. Well, this behavior also is harmful and they end up alone.
Let’s try to balance the act of expecting & learn when to stop expecting too much. Maybe the time is not right or the person is not right!
Have you ever been disheartened by expecting too much? How did you overcome your loss? Do share your views with us!