Randomness of events lead me to write this very random blog post. And the random question for the today is – “When & why did I start blogging ?”
The ideal category of people aim for something & start working towards it. But, the abnormal souls like me juggle through too many things & then stick to one of the many choices.
Year 2010, just graduated & was awaiting my job joining. Addicted to reading over internet brought me to the world of blogging.The decision to start writing blog myself was a random choice. I was habitual of filling pages with anecdotes, poems, feelings & what not. So, why not start writing online ? You can read my first post here.

First few thoughts were – it looks easy, so many people write, even I can do it. And, I could not have been more wrong. It’s not that simple a job. It’s your brainchild & you need time to nurture it. Thus came a long break, even before I had taken proper steps in blogging world.
What did I do in all these dormant years ?
Job & Travel. Read loads of traveler blogs & obvious realization hit me that I too wanted to share my travel stories with the world. So here I am, looking forward to connecting with others & making amateur efforts to inject bug of travelling in people. 🙂
This post is written for Indispire edition 114. #IAmABlogger