Every year January begins with loads of promises and resolutions. And, like every time I secretly wish for superpowers which would help make my life easier. Before motherhood my superpower list involved adventure and but now things are much different. All I wish for is smaller things now which are no less than miracle. And, […]
Category: Parenting
Unscented premium baby wipes launched by Mother Sparsh!
A baby is born perfect – the tiny little fingers trying to grasp the objects, the little feet ready to explore the world and the soft, supple skin unaware of the harsh chemicals. With our little one’s sensitive skin, we prefer to use as natural products as possible. A mother always wants the safest option […]
Adoption Laws in India! #AdoptUCare
Adoption in India is a legally bound and helps in protecting the interest of the child and parents, alike. The Indian adoption is governed majorly by Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 (JJ (C&PC) Act, 2015). Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015- The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2015 […]
What is CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority)? #AdoptUCare
Adoption is a heart-warming act and best when done right. Wanting to adopt a child does not make it a great action, unless done through proper channels. To bring a child into your family, you need to follow legal procedure. And, CARA is the regulating body for taking care of adoption in India. From the […]
Adoption – Gift a Family! #AdoptUCare
“Not flesh of my flesh Nor bone of my bone, But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, You didn’t grow under my heart But in it.” […]
Parenting 101 – A mother’s guilt!
Mother’s guilt is a natural feeling and majority of us will suffer from it at some point in time. Wanting to do your best in everything can become overwhelming. How many times in a week do you question yourself that – Am I a good mother? Does a corner in your heart hold the list […]
Parenting 101 – My wishes for my child!
While pregnant, I used to wish for 1000 things I want for my child. And, as I held my child in my arms for the first time, all those things became insignificant. Here are all the real wishes I have for my child. I wish for you to be happy and healthy. I wish for […]