Every year January begins with loads of promises and resolutions. And, like every time I secretly wish for superpowers which would help make my life easier.
Before motherhood my superpower list involved adventure and but now things are much different. All I wish for is smaller things now which are no less than miracle. And, I think all mothers would agree with me!
My list of Superpowers to be a Supermom –
- Superpower to clean the messy home – With addition of the child to family comes the messy home. The room full of scattered toys, the laundry full of spoiled clothes or the food thrown across the floors and walls. If only I could blink my eyes and my house becomes immaculate!
- Superpower to make mealtime into fun time – I thought feeding my new-born was tiresome. But, how I wish to turn back the clock now. At least the feeding cycles were fixed. Now feeding a toddler can take me hours! Only, if I had the power to make my child eat all the healthy food. I would be blessed. 🙂
- Superpower to Teleport – Imagine the euphoria when you realize that you can teleport from one place to another. Juggling between office to home or taking up that onsite opportunity would be so much easier. Travelling with the kiddo for vacations would be cakewalk. No hassle for boarding lines in flights or over night train journeys. Maybe even a time machine would do the work. 🙂
- Superpower to understand baby language – All the ‘agoo’ and ‘kaka’ that my child utters throughout the day is meant to have a possible explanation.I believe all kids have secret language that we forget as we grow up. And, if only I could understand what my child wants to speak I would be happiest creature on the earth.
- Superpower to have peaceful shower time – As soon as I enter the bathroom, the constant banging on the door begins. The kiddo would stand on the door and start his knocking. Then after 10 seconds, I hear the sounds of ‘Mumma’, which turn into cries. Wouldn’t it be best, if all moms could have this superpower? 😉

This is my list of Superpower that I crave to become a Supermom not just in 2019, but for a lifetime. What are your SuperMom powers and what more do you secretly wish for?
This post is part of #NewYearBlogTrain hosted by Prerana, Vartika and Alpana; Sponsored by PandoraBox and Recipe Dabba.
I have chosen the prompt, “Incredible superpowers I would like to get” for my post.
59 thoughts on “Superpowers for Supermoms in 2019!”
(31st January 2019 - 17:46)Teleporting myself to a different place whenever things get too overwhelming has been on my list too! Loved the rest of your list too! Here’s wishing you achieve what you wish for and have a wonderful 2019 as you do! Lovely post!
(2nd February 2019 - 20:47)Thanks Mayuri! 🙂
Shahnila Hassan
(31st January 2019 - 00:01)Like seriously all mom wants a superpower to manage daily chores that means I’m not a different one 😁
(2nd February 2019 - 20:48)True, you are not alone who wants this superpower. 🙂
(30th January 2019 - 23:07)Hahaha. I can only dream of getting these super powers. Kindly give me tips if in case you get these powers 😀
(2nd February 2019 - 20:49)Sure, I will share the secret once I have it 😀
Shreelekha Joshi
(30th January 2019 - 21:37)Great read
(2nd February 2019 - 20:51)Thanks!
Shreelekha Joshi
(30th January 2019 - 21:31)Yes..power to travel lands …messy home …you spoke my heart. Totally. You go girl..all the best for superpowers
(2nd February 2019 - 20:52)Thanks for dropping by! 🙂
Active Life Living
(30th January 2019 - 01:52)These superpowers are exactly mine too!! I wish I get peaceful shower time!! Loved your writeup!!
(2nd February 2019 - 20:52)Same pinch! Peaceful shower time seems like a lost dream for now. 😉
(30th January 2019 - 00:02)Fun read. The power to teleport is something even I wish for at times 😛
(2nd February 2019 - 20:53)I guess we all secretly wish for it 😀
Ila Varma
(29th January 2019 - 23:58)Indeed interesting list super Mom, may you be gifted with super powers of your choice.
(2nd February 2019 - 20:53)Thank you 🙂
Alka Mishra
(29th January 2019 - 17:57)Hope you grab your me time by your superpowers.
(2nd February 2019 - 21:05)I would love to that. 🙂
Varsha Gode
(29th January 2019 - 17:03)I personally feel every mom is a supermom. I love moms they are keen observers for almost everything about their kids. I will surely need these when I become a mommy 🙂
#vigorousreads #blogtrain #NYR2019 #Newyear_bloghop
(2nd February 2019 - 21:06)You would be a supermom! And, I hope we can decode these superpowers till then. 😉
(29th January 2019 - 10:41)And I hear you with all my heart and soul. When I happened to interact with a mother of an older child, she warned me about the problems that lay ahead. I guess, its never going to get over. We ought to have the superpower of becoming thick skinned.
(2nd February 2019 - 21:08)True, with a kid in life, situations may change, but there will always be something new to worry about. We all adapt with time.
Anagha Yatin
(28th January 2019 - 13:39)I hear you! With a baby in tow, life definitely needs these super powers to make life breathable! I wish not only you, all moms across the globe are granted all of these!
One thing is sure, devoid of all these powers, life is full of stories that remain unwrapped, waiting for us to stumble upon them and then relish them as cherished memories.
(2nd February 2019 - 21:09)I agree with you Anagha, these our all precious memories in making. Still the desire to have the superpowers is too strong for now. 😀
(28th January 2019 - 12:55)Reading your wish list felt like I was reading my own. Only if wishes were horses…as they say
(2nd February 2019 - 21:10)If only we could have all that the heart desires. Thanks for visiting. 🙂
My Words My Wisdom
(28th January 2019 - 12:48)I resonate your peaceful shower time, i would add loo breaks to it 🙂 . I am guessing you are a toddler mum and I m with you in the same boat.
(2nd February 2019 - 21:17)Hmm, you guessed it right, my toddler keeps me on toes. 🙂
Rashmi Karthik
(28th January 2019 - 12:28)Rightly said! If every mom can get these super powers our lives will be so peaceful no ?😂. Love th clean up super power though.
(2nd February 2019 - 21:19)Our lives would be super easy. 🙂
(28th January 2019 - 11:46)Nice post!
(2nd February 2019 - 21:19)Thanks!
(2nd February 2019 - 21:48)🙂
Prerna Wahi
(28th January 2019 - 10:30)I enjoyed reading your write-up and could so relate to the super powers we need as a mother. Wish someone could actually clean up the messy room and allow us to take a shower in peace!
(2nd February 2019 - 21:20)Amen to our wishes! 🙂
Praggatti rao
(27th January 2019 - 10:57)Haha it’s indeed a big thing to have powers on the lines that you be desired:)
Delightful read indeed
(2nd February 2019 - 21:20)Glad you liked it. 🙂
Maya Bhat
(25th January 2019 - 16:00)Hope you achieve all those super powers very soon. Keep rocking.
(2nd February 2019 - 21:21)Thank you!
saba ladha
(25th January 2019 - 06:09)These things are next to impossible in normal life. We definitely need some super powers to make them happen. Especially the peaceful shower time
(2nd February 2019 - 21:24)Let’s hope for the day when superpowers would come to rescue. 🙂
(24th January 2019 - 23:22)You made me laugh. I was nodding and laughing at every point. Once we become a mom even showertime is counted as Me Time. Isn’t. But that’s how it is.:-) thanks for being a part of this blogtrain.
(2nd February 2019 - 21:25)True Alpana, shower time is the only Me-time infact. 😉
And, I enjoyed being part of this blog train.
Dr. Surbhi Prapanna
(24th January 2019 - 13:04)I agree being a mom we all need superpowers and you are not asking much. I would love to get same to handle mutiple responsibilities.
(3rd February 2019 - 12:26)Thanks for dropping by!
शिप्रा त्रिवेदी
(24th January 2019 - 12:18)OMG I too need the ability to teleport. This constant office-home-office juggling is too much for mother of a hyper active kid!! My son is close to 5 and wants me to be home once he is back from school. And when I ask that should mumma stop going office, he says then you will not buy me toys 🙂
(3rd February 2019 - 12:27)Haha, kids say the most brutal truths! 😉
Sonia Chatterjee
(23rd January 2019 - 21:12)This is such a cute post. Even I used to wish that I understood my baby boys aaoo. Now that he speaks non stop, I go aiyoo.
(3rd February 2019 - 12:29)Thank you! For now, I am waiting for my kiddo to speak so that I can understand. 🙂
Vartika Mehrotra Gakhar
(23rd January 2019 - 18:24)I hear you Disha, I hear you. These are every new mom’s wish list of superpowers. BTW i love agoo and kaka 🙂 Thanks for being a part of this train
(3rd February 2019 - 12:29)It was a fun blog train! 🙂
Arvind Passey (@arvindpassey)
(23rd January 2019 - 12:44)Simply loved that bit where you talk about a toddler’s secret language… yes, your list of super powers for mothers is quite impressive.
(3rd February 2019 - 12:31)Glad you liked it. Thanks for visiting! 🙂
(23rd January 2019 - 12:18)Superpower to decode baby language was once in my list when everything was called agiagi.. I can relate with you momma.
(3rd February 2019 - 12:39)Glad that you could relate! 🙂
Rashmi Karthik
(23rd January 2019 - 10:13)These super powers are so required for every on. Nicely summarized list:)
(3rd February 2019 - 12:41)Thanks!
(23rd January 2019 - 02:36)Nice post. Completely agree. As a mother, we need super powers for simple things like taking shower peacefully without being disturbed.
(3rd February 2019 - 12:43)If only simpler things were easy. 🙂
Thanks for dropping by.