‘Ritwik, did you bring your bike today to college?’, his friend Vikas asked him while he was passing through the corridor.
‘Yes, I did’, he responded.
‘Drop me home in the evening.’,Vikas asked.
‘Sure bro, see you then!’ and they parted ways.
In the evening, Ritwik found Aditya waiting along with Vikas near his bike. He realized that he would have to drop both of them to their destinations together and that would mean tripling on the bike. His father has warned him many times about the perils of tripling on the bike. The thought was dismissed as quickly as it came and off they went together.

A little far away, the road was slippery and the bike skidded as he applied brakes to save themselves from a fall. Unfortunately. he could not control the bike due to extra weight and all three of them fell on the ground. Thankfully, none of them was hurt and the passerby helped them.
The traffic police also arrived in the meantime and he was fined for violating traffic rules. Ritwik learnt his lesson hard way that for bike rides two is company, but three is a crowd!
This incident too common for Indian roads. People flaunt their useless skills of tripling or perform stunts while driving causing danger to one and all. I hope that this driving menace could be curbed soon and our roads become safer.

This post is my Day 3 post for #Barathon 2018 and prompt was ‘Three’s a crowd’.