“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
India is a democratic country – government of the people, by the people & for the people. We chose our ministers & expect them to keep all things in check. How often do we even think to do our bit for the country ? We do have fundamental rights, but what about the fundamental duties that accompany it ?
Power cuts, broken roads, corruption, bribery – just crib about it & then forget to act. It’s 2016 & high time we take things in our hand. We adults have the responsibility to set good example for coming generations.

Commit to follow rules
Let’s begin with baby steps. Driving a two-wheeler, then wear a helmet. In a car, put on seat belt. Red light means to stop, so stop & don’t rush through it.Don’t drink & drive. And, if at all you are caught breaking a rule don’t negotiate with authority – accept the legal course of action !
Promote Equality
Do we even need any explanations about it ? Stop differentiating between people on every small things you can find about. Religion, color ,gender – was this not enough already that we now make religion based discriminations. There is enough destruction is the world, for a better future we need to ACT NOW !I know I am walking on thin lines here & should stop writing anymore. 🙁

Become knowledgeable & wise

Let me be clear – I am not talking only about getting an education. With education we learn facts, whereas applying those facts for betterment is being knowledgeable.Knowledge has no limits or age bar or a defined syllabus.Ofcourse, basic schooling should be given to all & government is doing it’s part by various schemes like – school chale, midday meals, etc. We do see examples in daily life where educated people are the monsters. Highly educated but demand dowry, educated but believe in female foeticide & honor killings, educated but employ small children as workers. On the other hand are the parents not formally schooled but work hard to get their children educated. This act makes them knowledgeable.
Respect those who defend us – our Soldiers
How can countrymen be safe without their sacrifices ? They leave their families to defend ours. Rail,hail or sunshine a soldier is always on duty. Respect them, what they do, how they live. Soldiers do not only constitute of those manning our borders. There are so many roles involved – infrastructure, operations, logistics, etc. All of these come together to keep make our country a safe place. Have faith in them & lets not question what or how they do what they do.

This is just a small list of things that We – common people can do help our country. What other things do you think can help use make our country better ? Do share your thoughts in comments.
I am taking part in the #DailyChatter challenge by Team Blog Chatter. If you like the post, then do like, share, subscribe & comment.
( The thought process in the post is inspired by the topic of Indispire#138 – How can We,the common public,help our country India?. All images copied from Google images & credit goes to the owners.)
8 thoughts on “Being a responsible Indian Citizen !”
(14th October 2016 - 11:53)Agree with your points. Vande Mataram.
(15th October 2016 - 00:21)Vande Mataram 🙂
dew cool
(12th October 2016 - 21:48)indeed if every one follow our responsibilities than it would be better place to live
(12th October 2016 - 23:18)Thanks for reading !
The Untourists
(10th October 2016 - 08:13)Well said. We can’t be citizens with authority and no responsibility. We also have responsibility towards our environment. We must try and reduce wastage, plastic usage etc.
(10th October 2016 - 09:25)Thanks for reading! 🙂
You have mentioned strong points – waste managememnt should be top priority too.
Durga Prasad Dash
(8th October 2016 - 15:41)Commit to follow rules….. I think if this one rule is followed, especially in matters of day to day conduct, more than 50% of our problems will be solved.
(8th October 2016 - 19:57)Agreed ! Thanks for reading 😃