The Indian festive season is just beginning. We have Navratri, Ganpati Pujan, Diwali all lined up back to back in coming months. The festivals are time to unwind and enjoy with families and who can forget the yummy delicacies. It can also be an excellent opportunity to inculcate reuse & recycle habit.
Following are some DIY which can be easily done at home.
- Mason jar candle holder – The mason jars can be painted in different patterns with bright colors like golden, red or orange. Then place candles inside it to give it traditional effect. Plain mason jars can also be used as hanging lanterns for decoration.
- Newspaper Lamp shades – One of the easiest ways recycle newspapers is to make lamp shades from it. You can glue newspaper pieces together on an old lampshade to give it a makeover. Or you can roll newspaper into long sticks and then glue those together to form a lamp.

- Wall decorations – Old wedding cards, cardboard sheets and discarded wrapping materials can be used to make ‘Torans’ or wall hangings.

- Raavan Effigy – Dussehra celebrations are incomplete without burning Raavan Effigy and you can use daily household items to create one. Tissue paper rolls or old cardboard boxes, newspaper or colored paper is all that you need.

- Earthen Ganpati Idols – Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated by bringing Lord Ganesha home and then bidding him adieu till next year. With our damaging eco-system, it is a good choice to bring home earthen Ganpati idols for the Puja. I have been doing it since last three years. Visarjan can be easily done at home in a bucket and then the dissolved mud can be used for planting trees in home. Even better idea would be if we could make Ganpati idols at home. Various DIY videos are present online, and this year I am going to try it.
You can also involve kids in these DIY activity and they will also enjoy it and learn the habit of reuse and recycle early in life.
Have you tried any of the DIYs yourself? Do share your thoughts in the comments. Also comment if you have any new DIYs ideas to make festival eco-friendly.
This post is a part of #Reuseblogtrain hosted by Papri and Yogita and sponsored by Aroma Essentials
Read and engage with interesting posts on #reuse, #recycle, #reduce by 15 amazing bloggers. All bloggers would also receive a customized product from the brand!
I would thank Riya for introducing me. She is a beauty and lifestyle blogger, a micro visualizer & interior by profession. Check out her blog here. Next post in the blog train is by Snigdha, who is a lifestyle & beauty blogger and blogs about makeup, fashion and nail arts here.
30 thoughts on “Celebrating festivals with a difference!”
Arvind Passey (@arvindpassey)
(4th September 2018 - 09:27)Festival DIYs here. Lovely.
Arvind Passey
@Blogchatter #RealFiction #ArvindPassey
(5th September 2018 - 11:55)Thank you Arvind!
Lancelot Quadras
(3rd September 2018 - 15:46)I am always in awe of people who can create such stuff. Please continue to do so. Cheers to your good work.
(2nd September 2018 - 09:43)These are some wonderful ideas! I especially liked the Eco Ganesha and newspaper lampshades.
(2nd September 2018 - 18:41)Thanks Neha, glad you liked it.
Nayantara Hegde
(1st September 2018 - 21:01)These are such great thoughts. Even we have booked an ecofriendly ganpati this year and hope to keep decor to bare minimum. Hoping it goes a long way in saving waste.
(2nd September 2018 - 23:16)That’s a great step, will be good in the long run. Do share how it goes. 🙂
Samarpita Sharma (@BookLuster)
(1st September 2018 - 15:20)Been using the eco friendly Ganesha since a couple of years now and feels so good not to pollute the environment one more time. Our festivals are so beautiful, we can celebrate them without harming the earth, don’t know why we dont!
(2nd September 2018 - 22:57)That’s good to know that you are using eco-friendly Ganesha. Every effort counts. 🙂
(1st September 2018 - 12:38)innovative ideas Disha and very thoughtful too. #vartikasdiaryreading #myfriendalexa
(2nd September 2018 - 23:08)Thanks, we need to act now to save for future. 🙂
Desi Réflexions
(18th August 2018 - 11:03)Such easy yet beautiful and creative eco friemdfr ideas ☺️
(19th August 2018 - 17:31)Thank you.
Gurjeet Chhabra
(12th August 2018 - 16:22)these are so amazing ideas , utlitlise the waste matterials
(13th August 2018 - 09:20)Glad you liked it!
(7th August 2018 - 23:49)These are some really cool ideas. I am going to try earthen ganapathi for sure
(9th August 2018 - 00:51)Sure, do share the results with me 🙂
(7th August 2018 - 21:57)Wow.. So many unique ideas .. I loved the newspaper lamp the most.
(9th August 2018 - 00:52)Glad you liked it!
(7th August 2018 - 18:53)Your paper craft ideas are awesome. Loved the post
(9th August 2018 - 00:54)Glad you liked it.
(7th August 2018 - 18:00)A very nice article on creating a useful products out of waste products and making yr kids busy in fun way
(9th August 2018 - 00:55)Thanks, kids do love all the craft work. 🙂
Varsha Gode
(7th August 2018 - 01:10)I forgot to add this point but my sister is actually made clay Ganesh Idol and we love to keep it in our living area, gives some great vibes to us. What a perfect post to make people understand that change is necessary even during special occasions 🙂
(7th August 2018 - 12:16)That’s great! The pink clay Ganpati in the post are also made by my nephew. He likes making DIY stuff at home. 🙂
Varsha Gode
(15th August 2018 - 23:57)Aww so sweet 😍❤️
(6th August 2018 - 02:20)Loved the earthen ganapati idol concept. one big mass pollution can be avoided.
(6th August 2018 - 18:58)Exactly my point. Healthy for nature and the Lord’s blessing stay with us in form of plants. 🙂
Jigna Gautam Shah
(5th August 2018 - 23:51)I have tried many of these ideas. But I love the eco friendly Ganpati. And will try with chocolate.
(6th August 2018 - 18:57)Chocolate Ganpati sounds great. Do share pics with us. 🙂