Once in a while you feel that whole world is conspiring against you. And yes, you are not mistaken. That’s exactly what is happening. Nothing works out as it is supposed to be. You realize that you are having worst day ever possible.
You have an early morning meeting in office but you wake up late (after hitting snooze on alarm n times). Rather than sharing the workload, maid decides to increase work exponentially. Well she also has the right to do things as per her wish.
The microwave does not work as the power backup in your apartment does not support it. There goes your plan to have quick breakfast. And you think you can still manage to reach office on time. Beware, day has just begun!
At last you are ready to leave the home. Grab your keys, run to the parking, start the vehicle. But, the damned vehicle does not start. You know this is not the end of the world. So, you plan to hire a cab. Booking a cab through app on phone is another battle in itself. To add to the woes the cab driver gets lost on the way to pick you up. Another twenty minutes have passed & no signs of the cab. Somehow you reach office, actually running around half of the campus & people staring at you.
After the entire morning struggle you realize the meeting will begin late. Finally you take deep breath. Some solace. The day is not that bad even. You can attend meeting on time & you are back to your chirpy self….Yippee!…Until you realize that you are stuck on the same issue since long time & have no idea what might be wrong. Oh! So from chirpy to grumpy again in few minutes. Keep sulking throughout the day. Blaming you or maid or the cab driver or that late night internet surfing session last night. The day drags to an end.
Again, begins the battle to hire a cab and reach home. Top it with some evening traffic & the potholes filled road. You are at a short distance from home stuck in traffic, just then the Rain God decides to pay a visit. Since you have the laptop you cannot just leave the cab and walk home. Why me? Why? That’s what you are probably thinking. Have patience, the day is about to end. You will be home soon & can enjoy your cup of coffee. Out of the blue your cook also declares that he is taking a day off. Seriously, does everything has to go wrong on the same day?
After all the trouble throughout the day Mr. Husband decides to be the savior & takes you out to for the dinner. You are still suspicious of what new chaos is waiting to happen. But nothing goes wrong. Enjoy your dinner followed by ice-cream & a long drive. Finally the day ends on the happy note.
The day has not ended exactly – you log onto Facebook after returning. Then five minutes of surfing internet turns into fifty & you again sleep late. And the cycle continues…
(Note – I still think that Facebook is at fault because it made you sleep late & then you missed your alarm & we know the story after that.)

2 thoughts on “Just Another Day…NOT !”
Wandering Soul
(8th September 2017 - 16:28)ROFL! Once again, I felt as if I was talking to myself. This happens to me so often.I am pretty sure the world consipires against me. For me, it especially happens when I wish to write hurriedly. Nothing will work just then. Wrote a whole blog post about it too. But your post cracked me up. Well done! 😀
(8th September 2017 - 16:45)Oh, I agree someone out there keeps conspiring just when we dont have enough time. 🙂