Second chance at love!

The dining room was buzzing with the usual morning chitter-chatter. The table was laid down with elaborate breakfast menu: Idli-sambhar, Aloo-poori, french toast and the overflowing cups of chai. The groups of twos and threes were spread across the whole room enjoying their first meal of the day together. It was indeed a house full […]

Wedding rings together

6 lessons from 6 years of marriage!

We recently celebrated our sixth anniversary in October. Looking back, I feel, it’s been lot of time together. But looking at our previous generations, it seems incredibly small amount of time. In these six years of marriage, we have seen many highs and lows and have sailed through them together. Here are six lessons that […]


Mother of Mine!

“You gave to me all of my life To do as I please I owe everything I have to you Mother, sweet mother of mine” I remember these lyrics from Mother of Mine by Jimmy Osmond by heart. We used to sing it in school choir for Mother’s Day celebration each year. It perfectly sums up […]

A woman’s dream

‘Welcome to Mumbai. The outside temperature is 32 degrees. Have a pleasant stay!’, the announcement in the flight broke Natasha’s thoughts. She was returning to India after two years. She was eagerly waiting to breathe the air of her motherland. The two years she spent in USA seemed like a different life now. She was […]