Last week I was involved in an interesting twitter session with Blogchatter community around books -#BookChatter. The session was all things books & led me to think about the fictional characters that have inspired me. Every book that I have read has touched my life in one way or another. It was tough to decide the top picks & here are the few who have inspired me the most.
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen)
She is a confident young girl who is unaffected by what people think of her. Even in that era, she knew how to put forth her thoughts. Her wit is her strength. Her tribe are her sisters and she stands by them. When society wants her to give more value to money than love, she fights back. For me, she is a beacon of hope. When nothing goes right, learn to trust your heart.
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter Series – J K Rowling)
Hermione taught me to be proud of who I am, even when you are different from majority. She was raised by muggle parents & was never ashamed of the fact. She is a loyal friend, helping Harry & Ron at every step. As a school student, I liked her preparedness for the class. Her command on the magic is strong & she could have easily chosen the wrong path. But, she commits to stand by what’s right & uses her skills for betterment of the society. A perfect example of ‘with great power comes great responsibility’.
Portia (The Merchant of Venice, William Shakespeare)
In a patriarchal world, Portia makes a mark for herself. With her father gone, she successfully manages her estate. Even in times of distress when love of her life is in trouble she keeps calm. Her wisdom to disguise as young judge & fight the case of ‘no more than a pound of flesh’ for Antonio is noteworthy. She teaches women to be fierce & self-independent. Women empowerment at its best!

These are just few of the characters who have inspired me to be brave & loyal, to have faith in friendship. What fictional characters have given you strength to face the world? Do share your list with us in comments & if there are any book suggestions which I should read next, I would love to know about them. ๐
I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatterโsย #MyFriendAlexa.
43 thoughts on “Fictional Characters That Inspire Me!”
(29th September 2019 - 15:47)I love Elizabeth and Hermoine too. ๐
(1st October 2019 - 01:00)Same pinch!
Thanks for dropping by.
(29th September 2019 - 14:14)They may be fictional but they have such a huge impact on us!
(1st October 2019 - 01:27)Thank you.
Shweta Suresh
(28th September 2019 - 23:08)I also found Lizzy Bennet to be so relatable. The same goes for Hermione too!
(1st October 2019 - 01:32)Glad you liked it.
Anwesha Guha
(28th September 2019 - 20:35)I love Harmoine as well and look upto her.
(1st October 2019 - 01:39)Thank you.
Nahid Akhter
(28th September 2019 - 20:15)Sooo beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.
(1st October 2019 - 01:40)Thank you!
Amrit kaur
(28th September 2019 - 19:14)I like the character of Hermione too from Harry Potter series as she has been the responsible girl with great mind
(1st October 2019 - 01:04)Yes, Hermione is a perfect example of great presence of mind.
(28th September 2019 - 16:49)That’s a nice read to know about fictional characters those inspired you, you have pointed out all their good qualities.
#PraGunReads #MyFriendAlexa
(1st October 2019 - 01:09)Glad you liked it. Thanks for dropping by. ๐
(28th September 2019 - 16:01)Enjoyed your post. As much as I love Pride and Prejudice, Portia is my favorite among the three when it comes to inspiring characters.
(1st October 2019 - 01:12)Glad you could relate to the post. Thank you!
(28th September 2019 - 14:01)I myself am a fan of Elizabeth Bennet. Have read Pride and Prejudice so many times ๐
(1st October 2019 - 01:18)Same pinch! Thanks for dropping by.
Shubhra Rastogi
(28th September 2019 - 14:01)I love Hermione. She is so different and yet she has her way and manages to get what she wants. #MyFriendAlexa #ShubhraReads
(1st October 2019 - 01:19)Yes, she never ceases to amaze me. ๐
(28th September 2019 - 13:58)Hermione from Harry Potter is truly an inspiration! Loved your post!
(1st October 2019 - 01:22)Thank you!
(28th September 2019 - 11:31)Such an excellent post – its making me think back to all the characters I have read and who would be my favourite. A happy exercise! Thanks for this.
(1st October 2019 - 01:43)Thanks to the twitter session that we had. ๐
Do share your favorite ones too.
(28th September 2019 - 11:01)I really liked this topic you have chosen for writing this post! Beautiful.
(1st October 2019 - 01:43)Thank you.
(28th September 2019 - 10:20)No doubt these 3 iconic characters are the ideals of the max of the people, well written, well explained.
(1st October 2019 - 01:44)Glad you liked the post. ๐
(28th September 2019 - 09:45)An intelligent choices.
(1st October 2019 - 01:46)Thank you!
(28th September 2019 - 08:40)You picked up some strong women characters. Portia is my personal favourite too!
(1st October 2019 - 01:48)Glad you could relate. ๐
Narinder Bhatia
(28th September 2019 - 00:06)Nice post and good choice of characters culled out by you. Each character is inspiring and powerful in its own way and teaches many a lessons about life.
(1st October 2019 - 01:48)Thanks for dropping by. ๐
Sonia Chatterjee
(27th September 2019 - 23:42)I love Hermione. Gauri from Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland is a personal favorite.
(1st October 2019 - 01:51)I have not read The Lowland yet, would add it to my TBR. Thanks for visiting.
Prerna Wahi
(27th September 2019 - 20:39)I enjoyed your unique and interesting post. These characters are strong and powerful, inspiring all of us in many ways!
(1st October 2019 - 01:52)Thanks for dropping by!
(27th September 2019 - 14:30)loved the post! amazing!!
(1st October 2019 - 01:52)Thank you.
Sushmita Malakar (@sushmitamalakar)
(26th September 2019 - 02:20)Oh my God! This is a lovely coincidence but these are exactly the fictional women I absolutely adore. Well, them and Maya Sarabhai, if you have watched television in the early 2000’s! ๐
(1st October 2019 - 01:26)Oh yes, I remember her! I have Sarabhai vs Sarabhai series and watch the reruns infinite times with my sister. ๐
Thanks for dropping by.
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(25th September 2019 - 02:49)[…] I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatterโsย #MyFriendAlexa. You can read my last post hereFictional Characters That Inspire Me!. […]